EWMD Forum: In Focus

Dear EWMD Members, guests and interested women
EWMD Forum invites you to a new edition of its In Focus event series.
In Focus aims at getting insights from women with an unusual curriculum vitae (both professional and personal) thus allowing us to learn from her experiences.
Was braucht eine Frau, um für die Chefetage vorgeschlagen zu werden? / What is required of women to be suggested for a C-level job?"
Claudia Frohnhoff gets interviewed by Almut Eger

Within the interactive session taking place online on May 12, 2021 from 7-8pm Claudia Frohnhoff and Almut Eger will talk about her experiences in having a top position herself and providing top positions to potential women as a recruiter. Discussed topics will be “take a chance on me”, (non-)mandatory qualifications and skills, do’s & don’ts from a personal as well as from a professional environmental perspective in order to achieve this goal.

The session is also open to non-EWMD members.

Please register here for the in Focus event 

EWMD Forum
Neuhauserstrasse 20A
CH-8500 Frauenfeld
President:  Margrit M. Meier – president.forum@ewmd.org
Treasurer: Maribel Rüegg-Hernandez – treasurer.forum@ewmd.org