Beatrice Lusetti

What is your role at EWMD?

Starting from June 2020, I have assumed the role of the Coordinator of the EWMD International Office. In this capacity, I collaborate closely with both the Management Board and the International Board. Our collective efforts are dedicated to overseeing and facilitating the successful execution of the various projects we undertake.

What is your background?

Born Italian, but always felt International and European by heart. I hold a B.A. in International Relations and a M.A. in European and International Affairs. These academic pursuits are a direct reflection of my fervent interest in economics, societal dynamics, politics, and cross-cultural interactions. Also languages and foreign literature drive my enthusiasm: I am fluent in Italian, English, French, Spanish, and a moderately proficient grasp of German.

My educational journey and professional trajectory have seamlessly woven throughout Europe, a journey that began when I was just 19. In 2017, the course of my life brought me to Germany, specifically to Berlin, which has since become my cherished home.

My thirst for exploration goes beyond academia and career. With a travel roster spanning almost 50 countries, I continue to traverse the globe, fueled by the excitement of discovering new corners of the world.

 What was your motivation to join EWMD and why should others join?

Because it is international, because it is real and because it is constantly evolving together with this always-changing-world. The energy, creativity and motivation can be concretely experienced in this Network. I have never met so many inspiring people all at once, the enthusiasm they put into projects and new challenges deeply fascinate me.

Borders are only imaginary lines for this Network, the passion carried out from EWMD does not know physical limits. 

Beatrice Lusetti

Get in touch with Beatrice