EWMD Society

Promoting more women into Management positions is and has always been EWMD´s first and foremost goal. Encouraged by a lot of new initiatives in networks around us, Claudia Schmitz and Brigitte Ott-Göbel have started a project called EWMD SOCIETY. The goal is to practice sisterhood and cooperate with initiatives like #ichwill or FidAR (Women into Supervisory Boards) in Germany as well as with other initiatives on National or European level. The chance is to be heard and followed in Social Media. We join the chorus of women in linkedin (EWMDGermany, EWMDnetwork) on Facebook and Twitter

EMWD Society is not a chapter. It is a project for members to work like a beehive – we collect knowledge and share. We plan monthly webinars about political or scientific topics, a database providing collected studies, discussion forums with leading women and institutions like the Swedish AllBright Foundation. We use the framework of UN 17 Sustainable Delevelopment Goals and fill them with women perspectives.

We started in December 2020 and welcome interested members to join our group, you are invited to participate and bring in your ideas and expertise. We recorded the first session, get informed with this video