Ines Kaps

My story with EWMD started in March 2023. By accident I had listened to a podcast where an EWMD member was interviewed. She talked about support, professional development, international and fun.

These were the same elements I loved as a student, when I was president at AIESEC Klagenfurt.

As a child, I wanted to become an engineer, a pilot and a diplomat. Travelling the world, solving conflicts and figuring out things was always my passion.

Today, I am a turnaround expert for global digital transformation projects in the engineering and pharmaceutical industries. As a serial entrepreneur and board member with 25 years in management consulting, I energize projects with 360 business expertise.

I also run a coaching program for women in project management in my passion4projects academy.

My academic background is; Magister in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship of the University of Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt; Master of Arts in Business Strategy from ESC Rennes, France, and an Executive MBA of the Henley Business School, UK.

I am married to the best husband in the world, who happens to be Swiss - an engineer with a pilot license.

Beatrice Lusetti

Get in touch with Ines