What is your role at EWMD?
As a co-founding member of the chapter EWMD Forum established in October 2020, I am serving as their first president. Participating in the growing process of this very young chapter is exciting and it is my hope to contribute to this chapter‘s shaping.
What is your background?
I am a certified prosthetist/orthotist that switched after a few years in clinics to academia: a Master of Science degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland in 1995, followed by a doctoral degree in Clinical Sciences from the Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada in November 1999. In February 2000 I had the chance to join an enthusiastic engineering research group at the Prosthetic Research Laboratory and Rehabilitation Engineering Research Program, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University in Chicago. As a first non-engineer in this research group I enjoyed the enriching experience of a thriving multi-disciplinary work environment and its resulting power in solving challenges together. I got promoted in 2002 to Research Assistant Professor, but moved back to Europe in 2006 in order to take on the position of Director of Research in the department of the National Centre for Prosthetics and Orthotics at my former Alma Mater in Glasgow. In 2010 I was recruited to the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, now Oslo Metropolitan University, as Associate Professor in order to assist in further developing their curriculum for prosthetists and orthotists. In late 2015 I moved back to Switzerland, starting my own business in the field of physical rehabilitation.
What was your motivation to join EWMD and why should others join?
I joined EWMD in 2016 after looking for a women‘s network that was internationally oriented while allowing exchange and further development for women in various management positions. Joining a network of accomplished women with international experiences and connections is stimulating and inspiring as it always offers new opportunities for learning from each other!