EWMD Reggio-Modena: Top Italian Women Scientists (TIWS)


EWMD Reggio Modena organizes the 4th meeting of the Top Italian Women Scientists (TIWS) in Modena, on the 23rd of September 2022


New Frontiers of Biomedical Research:
"Brain and heart: affinities and gender differences"

Scientific meetings are available in streaming
We specify that the event will be in Italian
The national meeting of TIWS - Top Italian Women Scientists, the association that includes the most qualified (*) researchers in the field of neuroscience, in the biomedical sector and in clinical sciences will be held on the 23rd of September in Modena.
Now in its fourth edition, the National Meeting will be held in Modena (in the former AEM Central, Open Laboratories, Viale Buon Pastore, 43) and will continue the path inaugurated last year and identified in the title "New frontiers of biomedical research": the Italian scientists gathered here will reflect on the prospects for the development of medicine with a particular focus on heart and brain diseases and gender differences that the most advanced research is  finding in the study of these pathologies.
The event will be an opportunity for discussion on highly specialized research, but also an initiative to promote scientific study paths among young women.
"A mentor is very important in life, I have had several; in particular I remember a female mentor , when I was in the United States, with whom I am still in contact. - says Adriana Albini, Member of the Scientific Direction of the European Institute of Oncology-Professor of General Pathology at the University of Milan Bicocca, inviting the young women to the meeting -  A    mentor is a figure who gives advice helps and makes himself available to a student or a younger person to accompany him at least for a stretch of his path. We invite students interested in deepening the scientific disciplines to come and have a chat with us, in particular in the field of biomedical research"

The meeting is divided into four modules.
Modules 1, 2 and 4 are free and are open to high school and university students, researchers and young scholars upon registration; always free the meeting on Friday 23 at 6pm, more informative and aimed at all the public. Modules 3 and 4 will also be streamed.

23 September Friday
On September 23, from 3pm to 6pm the afternoon sessions of "Girls with Numbers" return: three hours of management training workshops and one-to-one mentoring meetings between scientists and students and PhD students in biomedicine, organized by EWMD (European Women's Management Development Network). The goal is to train and orient girls for high-profile academic research.

First module at 3 pm > 4.30 pm
From 3pm to 4.30pm there will be some practical workshops by EWMD held by Barbara Galli Talent & Performance Advisor and EWMD member:
1. Leadership and teamwork
2. Work-life balance – how to manage time
3. Public speaking: how to affirm your ideas and present your projects

Second module at 4.30>6pm
From 4.30-6pm there will be individual interviews of the students and doctoral students present (biographical notes on the site www.tiws.it): Adriana Albini, Ariela Benigni, Patrizia Presbitero, Sonia Levi, Lucia Mangone, Cristina Mussini, Angela Tincani.

Third module at 6pm>8.30pm – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and delivery of the EWMD prize
In the first part, after the greeting of the authorities, at 6.30 pm the EWMD Prize worth 2,000 euros will be awarded, assigned to a researcher under 35 who has published with the highest reviews in specialized magazines; the prize is entitled to the memory of the Louhabi sisters, an example of dedication to scientific studies as a passion and personal growth for young women (**).
The prize is awarded by a commission composed of members of the promoters: European Women's Management Development (EWMD), Top Italian Women Scientists – Club Delle Scienziate (TIWS), Fondazione Onda – National Observatory on Women's Health and Gender

The round table "Brain and heart: affinity and gender differences" will end on Friday, starting at about 7 pm, moderated by Alessandra Ferretti (Scientific journalist Il Sole 24 Ore Sanità, professor of "Communication of complexity" for the University of Modena) to address together with the scientists present in the room the results of research on heart and brain about gender differences.

The scientists will confront each other directly and answer the questions.

These are the names of the participants (biographical notes in the attached doc or on the site www.tiws.it): Patrizia Presbitero, Katherine Esposito, Susanna Esposito, Rossella Marcucci, Daniela Perani (remotely).
(*) TIWS is The club is dedicated to the Italian scientists engaged in research reviewed in the ranking of the Top Italian Scientists (TIS) of Via-Academy, a census of the most impactful Italian scientists around the world, measured with the value of H-index, the indicator that contains both the productivity and the scientific impact of the researcher and which is based on the number of citations for each publication. For the Club, researchers with an H-index equal to or greater than 50 were selected.

(**) the award is named after the Louhabi sisters, young students of Moroccan origin, citizens of Sassuolo, who died in the prime of their years due to drowning.

European Women's Management  Development (EWMD)
It is a European network with more than thirty years of history created by women who set themselves a challenging professional goal, "that women and men can influence society and the economy in equal measure and with equal responsibility for well-being and progress". It is aimed at women in positions of responsibility and who set themselves a challenging professional goal, and at companies that share a vision of equity and meritocracy. EWMD proposes and acts with a spirit of exchange and equality.

Top Italian Female Scientists - Club Delle Scienziate (TIWS)
Top Italian Women Scientists (TIWS) is the club of the best Italian biomedical scientists promoted by Onda, established in May 2016 and chaired by Adriana Albini. The group brings together women who are characterized by high scientific productivity and who have made a substantial contribution to development in the biomedical field, in clinical sciences and in neuroscience. The goal is to promote "pink" research and bring young women closer to this world.

Fondazione Onda – National Observatory on Women's Health and Gender
Fondazione Onda is the National Observatory on Women's and Gender Health, established in Milan in 2005 at the behest of some professionals already engaged in various capacities on the front of women's health and gender medicine.

The TIWS meeting is made possible thanks to the support of Banco BPM, CITRUS l'orto italiano (www.citrus.it) and Open Laboratories as well as the Municipality of Modena and the Modena Chamber of Commerce

To participate in the meetings open preferably to researchers (modules 1, 2 and 4, 23 September in the afternoon and 24 September in the morning):

The registration procedures are indicated on the website www.tiws.it
To follow in streaming
Soon the methods of use of the streaming will be indicated on the website www.tiws.it
Modena, 28 July 2022
Press Office TIWS Conference:
Workshop of Words by Francesca Rossini
Francesca Rossini 392 9222152 - Francesca Santoro 339 7946599