The EWMD Learning Journey 2024: A Remarkable Experience in Northern Germany


The Learning Journey 2024 recently took place in the vibran region of Northern Germany! This initiative provided members an invaluable opportunity to explore new markets and societies, fostering a deeper understanding of different business and institutional environments. Participants returned home with new contacts for future collaborations and friendships that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

Two of our EWMD Italy members, Paola Ligabue and Barbara Vecchi, shared their insights from the journey, highlighting its impact and the unique experiences they encountered: 

Paola Ligabue's Perspective

Paola, former EWMD International Co-President and an ardent supporter of EWMD's international aspect, emphasized the importance of connecting with women from diverse professional backgrounds across various countries. She values the opportunities for international meetings, both in-person and online, which she believes are a hallmark of EWMD and a source of constant enrichment and open-mindedness.

Paola found the Learning Journey to be an irreplaceable experience. The week-long journey allowed for deeper connections and the possibility of forming lasting friendships and future collaborations. She praised Hamburg, one of her favorite German cities alongside Berlin, for its rich offerings and the comprehensive program organized by the local EWMD Chapter, EWMD Nord.

The itinerary included visits to prominent companies and institutions such as Montblanc, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Taylor Wessing, Draeger, and Strive. These encounters provided profound insights into the business environment and gender equality practices within these organizations. Paola was also particularly moved by the warmth and hospitality of the members from EWMD Nord. 

Paola concluded with a heartfelt call for all members to participate in such enriching opportunities to fully embrace the EWMD spirit.

Barbara Vecchi's Experience

Barbara Vecchi found the Learning Journey to be an incredibly enriching experience that far exceeded her expectations. 

Barbara appreciated the journey's emphasis on sharing values, professional and personal experiences, and embracing the diversity of each participant. 

For Barbara, summarizing the essence of the Learning Journey was challenging due to its profound impact. She felt a strong sense of European identity, integrating the diverse cultures encountered throughout the trip. She encouraged other members to participate in future journeys, emphasizing that these experiences go far beyond mere tourism. They offer a sense of belonging to a community, regardless of language proficiency, and provide access to exclusive locations and inspiring women.

Learning Journey: EWMD signature initiative 

The 2024 Learning Journey in Northern Germany was a testament to the transformative power of international experiences. It beautifully showcased the EWMD's dedication to nurturing global connections, professional growth, and personal enrichment. Through the heartfelt stories of Paola Ligabue and Barbara Vecchi, we are reminded of the journey’s profound impact on building lifelong friendships and invaluable professional networks.

By stepping out of their comfort zones, participants not only discovered new places but also deepened their understanding of diverse cultures and business practices. This journey underscored the essence of what it means to be part of EWMD - a vibrant, supportive community of women leaders committed to making a difference across Europe and beyond.

As we look to the future, let us embrace these opportunities with open hearts and minds, confident that each Learning Journey will continue to inspire, empower, and unite us in our shared mission for gender equality and leadership excellence.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the EWMD Germany Chapter, particularly EWMD Nord, for their warm hospitality towards the Learning Journey participants. A special thank you goes to the LJ 2024 Orga Team from EWMD Nord for their exceptional organization, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the EWMD Network. Your efforts made the Learning Journey 2024 a truly memorable and enriching experience!